Our team is made up of industry leaders, bringing together extensive experience in the real estate and private equity sector:
Experience: +20 years
Industrial Engineer from Javeriana University, specialist in Mass Consumer Marketing from ICESI University and executive MBA from Universidad de los Andes. He is currently President of the ZFB Group, Honorary President of the Board of the Latin American Association of Free Trade Zones AZFA, member of the Board of Directors of World Organization of Free Trade Zones and member of the General Board ANDI, ANALDEX, AMCHAM, among others.
Experience: +30 years
Business Administrator with studies in Economics, MS Fiscal Studies University of Bath, Ms. Public Policy University of London, and studies in financial programming from the IMF. Carlos has nearly 30 years of professional experience, most of it gained in management positions in public and private entities such as Financiera de Desarrollo Nacional, Asobancaria, Ecopetrol and the Ministry of Finance of Bogotá. In addition, he participates in various national and district boards of directors.
Experience: +20 years
Business Administrator from CESA (Bogotá), with a participation, either direct or indirect and active, in different boards of directors of companies in the real estate and service sector, mostly in the sector of floriculture, glass packaging, pharmaceutical, flexible packaging, logistics, office automation, data analytics, asphalt and construction.
Experience: +20 years
Economist from Universidad Externado and MBA from Universidad de los Andes, with managerial studies at Harvard University and Northwestern University, she is currently the President of Transportadora de Gas Internacional (TGI), and in the past has served as General Vice President of Pepsico Foods for the Andean region between 2013 and 2020.
Experience: +20 years
He studied at George Mason University, with an emphasis in Finance and Marketing. He has extensive experience in companies in the insurance sector in Chile, the United States and London. In the past, he served as CEO of RSA Latam, as Partner and COO in Private Equity Funds in Colombia, and is now a partner and founder of GROU Capital, while being an independent member of several boards of directors.
Experience: +30 years
Industrial Engineer from the University of Los Andes in Colombia. He served as President of Coca Cola for Colombia, in addition to other managerial positions. In the last 12 years, he has been consulting and coaching and has participated in Boards of Directors, from different sectors.
ZFB Capital Partners; independent investment committee has extensive experience in structuring and evaluating real estate projects.
Experience: +30 years
MS in Management and Funds and Pension Plans Management from Universidad de Alcalá (Madrid), Business Administrator from EAFIT University. Between 2006 and 2016 he served as President of Pension Fund Protección, and as Vice President and General Manager for several companies of the Sura Group. He is currently a member of various boards of directors.
Experience: +30 years
Civil Engineer, and MBA from The Wharton School (University of Pennsylvania). He was founder and President of several manufacturing and service companies, and an active member of various boards of directors.
Experience: +30 years
MS in Business Administration from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He was President of companies such as Harinera del Valle, Rio Paila Castilla, and Propal, as well as being Vice President of several companies in the real estate sector. He is a member of the board of directors in various real estate companies.
Experience: +20 years
PhD in Legal and Economic Sciences from Javeriana University, and has worked as General Manager, Executive Vice President and President of various firms in the financial and banking sectors of the country. In addition, he was the founder of two brokerage firms on the Stock Exchange. Current President of the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá, Executive President of the Colombia India Chamber of Commerce and Industry, President of the Colombian Pacific Foundation, and Member of the Korean Colombo and Colombo China Chamber.
ZFB Capital Partners ha creado un vehículo de inversión inmobiliaria a través de un modelo de fraccionamiento inmobiliario, lo que permite que el Inversionista aporte capital al proyecto sin tener que preocuparse por la gestión operativa o administrativa del mismo, ya que la misma está cargo del Gestor profesional.
La estructuración de este vehículo se realiza por medio de cuentas en participación, que son acuerdos contractuales entre un Inversionista y ZFB Capital Partners para invertir en un proyecto o negocio específico.
Por medio de dichos acuerdos, se establecen cláusulas contractuales que definen la distribución del flujo de caja del proyecto entre el Inversionista y el Gestor Profesional.
Teniendo en cuenta esto, los beneficios y riesgos se distribuyen entre las partes según la proporción de la inversión de los actores involucrados respecto al capital total.
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