Why invest in an development Fund for services and technology infrastructure


Bogotá, June de 2022

The technological change that will come over the next decade will be one of the biggest we will face. The implementation of 5G technology will bring massive connections, with high-speed downloads and bandwidth, which will allow advances such as the development of autonomous vehicles, holographic virtual assistants, and and endless possibilities are opened in the global management of data with the metaverse proposed by Marc Zuckerberg, such as bank accounts, CRM, and ERP, among other advances.

According to Guillermo Solomon, Huawei's Chief Transformation Officer for Latin America, it is projected that by 2023 the 5G network will reach 39% of the world's population, and by 2024, it is estimated that about 3.6 billion people will use this network, and that by 2025 90% of people who use smart devices will use personal assistants compared to 35% who currently do.

There is a new trend in the implementation of technologies

Currently in Colombia we are facing the opening of a new implementation of technologies like never before. 

The Internet of Things, IoT describe los objetos físicos que llevan incorporados software, sensores y otras tecnologías, con el fin de intercambiar datos con otros dispositivos y sistemas a través de la red. Estos dispositivos van desde los objetos domésticos comunes hasta un sinfín de herramientas industriales sumamente sofisticadas, que se prevé aumentarán a cerca de 22 mil millones para el 2025.

called IoT, describes the physical objects that incorporate software, sensors and other technologies, in order to exchange data with other devices and systems over the network. These devices range from ordinary household objects to an endless number of highly sophisticated industrial tools, which are expected to increase to about 22 billion by 2025. 

The IOT is used in public services such as lighting, garbage collection, water supply, among others, in security, at traffic lights and in the future in the Regiotram, Bogotá Metro, and more, requiring a large physical infrastructure, with spaces suitable for both the emission and reception of data that allow through AI to control all this series of data.

On the other hand, Big Data requires storage spaces with a specialized infrastructure that allows this type of information to be handled, which usually ranges from 30 to 35 terabytes to several Petabytes, which generate relevant information in the Retail service and demand a robust infrastructure of Data centers and Call Centers. Streaming technologies allow you to stream audio and video files in a continuous flow through a wired internet connection, such as podcasts, webcasts, movies, TV shows, and much more, everything can be done with a computer, or a smartphone.

In addition, now comes the Metaverse, a concept of the virtual world, which will be parallel to ours, which can be accessed through augmented reality devices. This universe will have its own economy, with one or more digital currencies. When a user enters the metaverse will be interacting through an avatar, and will be able to attend meetings, do business abroad, play, go to the bank, all from a non-tangible world, with consequences in the real world, and although it may seem like an excellent idea for many, the truth is that we are not prepared for it in terms of infrastructure. Metaverso, un concepto de mundo virtual, que será paralelo al nuestro, al que se podrá acceder a través de dispositivos de realidad aumentada. Este universo tendrá su propia economía, con una o varias monedas digitales.  Cuando un usuario entre al metaverso estará interactuando a través de su avatar, y podrá asistir a juntas, realizar negocios en el extranjero, jugar, ir al banco, todo desde un mundo no tangible, con consecuencias en el mundo real, y aunque puede parecer una excelente idea para muchos, la verdad, es que no estamos preparados para ello en términos de infraestructura.  

Robots manipulated from another place in the world, self-driving cars self-sufficient warehouse without face-to-face employees, Quite a challenge, right?

An opportunity for investment in real estate services and technologies projects 

Companies such as ZFB Capital Partners focused on the management of private equity funds for real estate development of industrial, logistics and technology assets, identifying one of a kind business opportunity in Colombia in a market that grows to double digits. ZFB Capital Partners que se enfocan en la gestión  de Fondos de capital privado para el desarrollo inmobiliario de los segmentos industriales, logísticos y de servicios tanto dentro del régimen franco como fuera de él, ven una excelente oportunidad de negocio en Bogotá Región, en donde invertir en un fondo de desarrollo de infraestructura para servicios y tecnología, puede generar rentabilidad en un mercado que crece a dos dígitos.

Colombia is projected as a hub for the new Data Centers in the region, which provide the infrastructure required to develop the new technologies that are to come, therefore, investment in portfolios as the one structured by ZFB Capital Partners will be indispensable for those who wish to participate in the new business development of the country through the ZUMA Private Equity Fund.